Open innovation across the prosperity gap: an essay on getting the Caucasus back into the European innovation society.


  • Steffen Roth Berne University of Applied Sciences


open innovation, crowdsourcing, brain drain, brain gain, Caucasus, innovation competition, Diaspora networks, regional development


The paper shows how both intra-national and international strategies of open innovation and crowdsourcing could be used to reduce or even invert the brain drain of Caucasian societies and, hence, could lead to more sustainable and, first of all, local returns on investments in the regions excellent educational infrastructure.

Author Biography

Steffen Roth, Berne University of Applied Sciences

Research Assistant at the University of Trier, Germany (2002-2004): Corporate Networks Research, and at the Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany (2004-2007): Research on Innovation, Industrial Networks, Business Incubators.

Since 2007 Research Assistant at the Center for Management at the Berne University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland. PhD-Thesis on "The Markets of Society: A Theory of Robust Innovation". 






Legal and Social Sciences, Economics